Daily Quiz – 10th Feb 2024 By adminFebruary 12, 2024Quiz Daily Quiz - 10th Feb 2024 Daily Quiz - 10th Feb 2024 1 / 5 Which of the following Articles of the Constitution fulfils the objective of promotion of fraternity among the people of India:Article 51AArticle 38Article 18Select the correct answer using the code given below: 1, 2 and 3 1 and 2 only 1 only 2 only Explanation:Option 1 is correct: The Article 51A(e) bestows a fundamental duty on every citizen of India “to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities and to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women”Option 2 is incorrect: Article 38 directs the State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people. It aims to promote justice – social, economic and political. And minimise inequality in income, status, facilities and opportunities.Option 3 is incorrect: Article 18 provides for abolition of hereditary titles and thus promotes equality among the citizens. Explanation:Option 1 is correct: The Article 51A(e) bestows a fundamental duty on every citizen of India “to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities and to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women”Option 2 is incorrect: Article 38 directs the State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people. It aims to promote justice – social, economic and political. And minimise inequality in income, status, facilities and opportunities.Option 3 is incorrect: Article 18 provides for abolition of hereditary titles and thus promotes equality among the citizens. 2 / 5 Consider the following statements with reference to ‘Equality’ as mentioned in the Preamble:The Preamble mentions social, economic and political equality.It signifies the absence of special privileges to any section of the society.The provision related to opportunity made under Article 16 emanates from this.Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct? 1 and 2 only 2 only 3 only 2 and 3 only Explanation:Statement 1 is incorrect: The Preamble mentions “Equality of status and opportunity”. It mentions social, economic and political justice.Statement 2 is correct: The term ‘equality’ means the absence of special privileges for any section of the society, and the provision of adequate opportunities for all individuals without any discrimination.Statement 3 is correct: The provision of reservation under Article 16 envisages to provide equality of opportunity in matters of public employment and therefore emanates from the term ‘equality’ of the Preamble. Explanation:Statement 1 is incorrect: The Preamble mentions “Equality of status and opportunity”. It mentions social, economic and political justice.Statement 2 is correct: The term ‘equality’ means the absence of special privileges for any section of the society, and the provision of adequate opportunities for all individuals without any discrimination.Statement 3 is correct: The provision of reservation under Article 16 envisages to provide equality of opportunity in matters of public employment and therefore emanates from the term ‘equality’ of the Preamble. 3 / 5 Which of the following statements about Preamble is correct? The Preamble provides the source of authority of the Constitution. The Preamble provides liberty of thought, expression, opportunity, belief and worship. The Preamble has been amended only once by the 44th Constitutional Amendment Act. In the Berubari Union case, the Supreme Court held that the Preamble is a part of the Constitution. Explanation:Option A is correct: The Preamble provides the source of authority of the Constitution as the people of India.Option B is incorrect: The Preamble provides liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.Option C is incorrect: The Preamble has been amended only once through 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976 which added three new words—Socialist, Secular and Integrity—to the Preamble.Option D is incorrect: In the Berubari Union case, the Supreme Court held that the Preamble is not a part of the Constitution. It is in the Kesavananda Bharati case that the Supreme Court held that the Preamble is part of the Constitution. Explanation:Option A is correct: The Preamble provides the source of authority of the Constitution as the people of India.Option B is incorrect: The Preamble provides liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.Option C is incorrect: The Preamble has been amended only once through 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976 which added three new words—Socialist, Secular and Integrity—to the Preamble.Option D is incorrect: In the Berubari Union case, the Supreme Court held that the Preamble is not a part of the Constitution. It is in the Kesavananda Bharati case that the Supreme Court held that the Preamble is part of the Constitution. 4 / 5 Consider the following statements:The Preamble of the Constitution is based on the ‘Objective Resolution’ drafted and moved by Pandit Nehru in the Constituent Assembly.The Preamble provides greater rights to citizens than those mentioned in the Objective Resolution.The Objective Resolution also provided the Date of Commencement of the Constitution as 26th January 1950 to mark the 20th Anniversary of Declaration of ‘Purna Swaraj’.Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct? 1 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2 and 3 2 and 3 only Explanation:Statement 1 is correct: The Preamble of the Constitution is based on the Objective Resolution drafted and moved by Pandit Nehru in the Constituent Assembly.Statement 2 is incorrect: The Objective Resolution mentioned greater rights to citizens than those mentioned in Preamble. These were “justice, social, economic and political; equality of status of opportunity, and before the law; freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship, vocation, association and action, subject to law and public morality; and adequate safeguards for minorities, backward and tribal areas, and depressed and other backward classes.”Statement 3 is incorrect: Objective Resolution did not mention the date of commencement of the Constitution. Explanation:Statement 1 is correct: The Preamble of the Constitution is based on the Objective Resolution drafted and moved by Pandit Nehru in the Constituent Assembly.Statement 2 is incorrect: The Objective Resolution mentioned greater rights to citizens than those mentioned in Preamble. These were “justice, social, economic and political; equality of status of opportunity, and before the law; freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship, vocation, association and action, subject to law and public morality; and adequate safeguards for minorities, backward and tribal areas, and depressed and other backward classes.”Statement 3 is incorrect: Objective Resolution did not mention the date of commencement of the Constitution. 5 / 5 The Preamble secures to all the citizens of India, equality of status and opportunity. Which of the following provisions of the Constitution is based on Right to equality?Equality before lawProhibition of Human traffickingAbolition of untouchabilityProhibition of discrimination on Certain GroundsRight to marry by one’s choiceSelect the right code from below: 1 and 5 1, 3 and 4 2 and 4 All of the above Explanation:The term ‘equality’ means the absence of special privileges to any section of the society, and the provision of adequate opportunities for all individuals without any discrimination.The provisions in the Constitution embraces three dimensions of equality–civic, political and economic which are Equality before the law (Article 14),Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth (Article 15), Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment (Article 16), Abolition of untouchability (Article 17),Abolition of titles (Article 18). Right against exploitation provides for Prohibition of Human trafficking (Article 23) and right to marry is wider interpretation of (Article 21), Right to Life and Liberty. Explanation:The term ‘equality’ means the absence of special privileges to any section of the society, and the provision of adequate opportunities for all individuals without any discrimination.The provisions in the Constitution embraces three dimensions of equality–civic, political and economic which are Equality before the law (Article 14),Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth (Article 15), Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment (Article 16), Abolition of untouchability (Article 17),Abolition of titles (Article 18). Right against exploitation provides for Prohibition of Human trafficking (Article 23) and right to marry is wider interpretation of (Article 21), Right to Life and Liberty. Your score isThe average score is 80% 0% Restart quiz