Daily Quiz – 22nd Jan 2024

Daily Quiz - 22nd Jan 2024

Daily Quiz - 22nd Jan 2024

1 / 7

Consider the following statements with reference to hot and cold water

  1. Cold water freezes faster than hot water
  2. This phenomenon or effect is known as Mpemba Effect.

Select the correct code

2 / 7

Consider the following statements regarding ‘Nagara Style of temple architecture’

  1. It is mostly popular form of temple architecture in north India.
  2. The unique characteristics of this style are elaborate boundary walls or gateways.
  3. The garbhagriha is always located under the tallest tower.

How many of the statements are correct?

3 / 7

Consider the following statements with reference to the ‘Mosquitofish’ (Gambusia affinis):

  1. Mosquitofish was first introduced in India during the British rule.
  2. Mosquito fish are effective in controlling some species of mosquitoes.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

4 / 7

With reference to river Teesta, consider the following statements:

  1. The source of river Teesta is the same as that of Brahmaputra but it flows through Sikkim.
  2. River Rangeet originates in Sikkim and it is a tributary of river Teesta.
  3. River Teesta flows into Bay of Bengal on the border of India and Bangladesh.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

5 / 7

Consider the following battles and powers among which it was fought:

  1. Battle of Wandiwash         -    English vs french
  2. Battle ofBidara                    -    Marathas vs Abdali
  3. Battle of Buxar                    -    English vs Shah Alam II
  4. Third battle of Panipat     -    Dutch vs English

Match the above pairs correctly using codes given below:

6 / 7

Consider the following statements regarding Dr. B. R. Ambedkar:

  1. He strongly advocated for the recognition of the depressed classes as a separate minority community.
  2. He rejected democracy and feared that it would lead to subjugation of the depressed classes in the long run.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

7 / 7

Which of the following statement is /are correct regarding Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM)

  1. Japan’s space Agency JAXA has recently launched the SLIM moon lander.
  2. test technology fundamental to exploration in low-gravity environments, an important requirement for future scientific investigation of the solar system by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
  3. This is the first Moon-landing attemptbeing made by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).
  4. Japan would be the 5thcountry to successfully soft land on the moon.

Use the code given below

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