Daily Quiz – 29th Jan 2024 By adminJanuary 30, 2024Quiz Daily Quiz - 29th Jan 2024 Daily Quiz - 29th Jan 2024 1 / 10 Which of the following is/are the aim/aims of “Digital India” Plan of the Government of India? Formation of India’s own Internet companies like China did.Establish a policy framework to encourage overseas multinational corporations that collect Big Data to build their large data centres within our national geographical boundaries.Connect many of our villages to the Internet and bring Wi-Fi to many of our schools, public places and major tourist centres.Select the correct answer using the code given below: 1 and 2 only 3 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2 and 3 Explanation:Digital India was an initiative taken by the Government of India for providing high-speed internet networks to rural areas. Digital India Mission was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 1st July 2015 as a beneficiary to other government schemes including Make in India, Bharatmala, Sagarmala, Startup India, BharatNet, and Standup India.Digital India Mission is mainly focused on three areas:Providing digital infrastructure as a source of utility to every citizen.Governance and services on demand.To look after the digital empowerment of every citizen.Digital India was established with a vision of inclusive growth in areas of electronic services, products, manufacturing, and job opportunities.Digital India aims to provide the much-needed thrust to the nine pillars of growth areas. Each of these areas is a complex programme in itself and cuts across multiple Ministries and Departments. The nine pillars of Digital India are given below:Broadband Highways– This covers three sub components, namely Broadband for All – Rural, Broadband for All – Urban and National Information Infrastructure (NII).Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity-This initiative focuses on network penetration and filling the gaps in connectivity in the country.Public Internet Access Programme- The two sub components of Public Internet Access Programme are Common Services Centres (CSCs) and Post Offices as multi-service centres.e-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology- Government Process Re-engineering using IT to simplify and make the government processes more efficient is critical for transformation to make the delivery of government services more effective across various government domains and therefore needs to be implemented by all Ministries/ Departments.e-Kranti – Electronic Delivery of Services- To improve the delivery of public services and simplify the process of accessing them. In this regard, several e-governance initiatives have been undertaken by various State Governments and Central Ministries to usher in an era of e-Government. e-Governance in India has steadily evolved from the computerization of Government Departments to initiatives that encapsulate the finer points of Governance, such as citizen centricity, service orientation and transparency.Information for All- This pillar aims to ensure transparency and availability of reliable data generated by the line ministries for use, reuse and redistribution for the people of India.Electronics Manufacturing- This pillar focuses on promoting electronics manufacturing in the country.IT for Jobs- This pillar focuses on providing training to the youth in the skills required for availing employment opportunities in the IT/ITES sector.Early Harvest Programmes- This pillar consists of a group of different short-term projects which have immediate effect on the Indian digital ecosystem like IT platform for mass messaging, crowd Sourcing of eGreetings, biometric attendance in the government offices, WI-FI in all universities etc. Explanation:Digital India was an initiative taken by the Government of India for providing high-speed internet networks to rural areas. Digital India Mission was launched by PM Narendra Modi on 1st July 2015 as a beneficiary to other government schemes including Make in India, Bharatmala, Sagarmala, Startup India, BharatNet, and Standup India.Digital India Mission is mainly focused on three areas:Providing digital infrastructure as a source of utility to every citizen.Governance and services on demand.To look after the digital empowerment of every citizen.Digital India was established with a vision of inclusive growth in areas of electronic services, products, manufacturing, and job opportunities.Digital India aims to provide the much-needed thrust to the nine pillars of growth areas. Each of these areas is a complex programme in itself and cuts across multiple Ministries and Departments. The nine pillars of Digital India are given below:Broadband Highways– This covers three sub components, namely Broadband for All – Rural, Broadband for All – Urban and National Information Infrastructure (NII).Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity-This initiative focuses on network penetration and filling the gaps in connectivity in the country.Public Internet Access Programme- The two sub components of Public Internet Access Programme are Common Services Centres (CSCs) and Post Offices as multi-service centres.e-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology- Government Process Re-engineering using IT to simplify and make the government processes more efficient is critical for transformation to make the delivery of government services more effective across various government domains and therefore needs to be implemented by all Ministries/ Departments.e-Kranti – Electronic Delivery of Services- To improve the delivery of public services and simplify the process of accessing them. In this regard, several e-governance initiatives have been undertaken by various State Governments and Central Ministries to usher in an era of e-Government. e-Governance in India has steadily evolved from the computerization of Government Departments to initiatives that encapsulate the finer points of Governance, such as citizen centricity, service orientation and transparency.Information for All- This pillar aims to ensure transparency and availability of reliable data generated by the line ministries for use, reuse and redistribution for the people of India.Electronics Manufacturing- This pillar focuses on promoting electronics manufacturing in the country.IT for Jobs- This pillar focuses on providing training to the youth in the skills required for availing employment opportunities in the IT/ITES sector.Early Harvest Programmes- This pillar consists of a group of different short-term projects which have immediate effect on the Indian digital ecosystem like IT platform for mass messaging, crowd Sourcing of eGreetings, biometric attendance in the government offices, WI-FI in all universities etc. 2 / 10 With reference to organic farming in India, consider the following statements:‘The National ‘Programme for Organic Production’ (NPOP) is operated under the guidelines and ‘directions of the Union Ministry of Rural Development.‘The Agricultural and Processed Food Product Export Development Authority ‘(APEDA) functions as the Secretariat for the implementation of NPOP.Sikkim has become India’s first fully organic State.Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 3 only 1, 2 and 3 Explanation:Organic farming: acreage, geographies, and cultivation details. How much area in India is under organic farming? As of March 2020, 2,780,000 hectares were under certified organic farming in India, about 2 percent of India's 140.1 million hectares net sown area.Integrated Organic Farming includes the combination of nutrient management and pest management to achieve ecological demands and requirements. Pure Organic Farming avoids all unnatural chemicals. In this process, all fertilizers and pesticides are obtained from only natural sources such as blood meal and bone meal. Explanation:Organic farming: acreage, geographies, and cultivation details. How much area in India is under organic farming? As of March 2020, 2,780,000 hectares were under certified organic farming in India, about 2 percent of India's 140.1 million hectares net sown area.Integrated Organic Farming includes the combination of nutrient management and pest management to achieve ecological demands and requirements. Pure Organic Farming avoids all unnatural chemicals. In this process, all fertilizers and pesticides are obtained from only natural sources such as blood meal and bone meal. 3 / 10 Consider the following pairs: Sl NoCommunity sometimes mentioned in the newsIn the affairs of1.KurdBangladesh2.MadhesiNepal3.RohingyaMyanmarWhich of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched? 1 and 2 only 2 only 2 and 3 only 3 only Explanation:The Kurds are an Iranian ethnic group in the Middle East. They have historically inhabited the mountainous areas to the south of Lake Van and Lake Urmia, a geographical area collectively referred to as Kurdistan.MADHESHIS- NEPAL- Madheshi people (Nepali: मधेशी) is a term used for several ethnic groups living in the central and eastern Terai region of Nepal.ROHINGYAS- MYANMAR Explanation:The Kurds are an Iranian ethnic group in the Middle East. They have historically inhabited the mountainous areas to the south of Lake Van and Lake Urmia, a geographical area collectively referred to as Kurdistan.MADHESHIS- NEPAL- Madheshi people (Nepali: मधेशी) is a term used for several ethnic groups living in the central and eastern Terai region of Nepal.ROHINGYAS- MYANMAR 4 / 10 Which of the following is/are the indicators/ indicators used by IFPRI to compute the Global Hunger Index Report? UndernourishmentChild stuntingChild mortalitySelect the correct answer using the code given below: 1 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2 and 3 1 and 3 only Explanation:Malnutrition refers to deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization.The double burden of malnutrition consists of both undernutrition and overweight and obesity, as well as diet-related noncommunicable diseases.Undernutrition manifests in four broad forms: wasting, stunting, underweight, and micronutrient deficiencies. Explanation:Malnutrition refers to deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization.The double burden of malnutrition consists of both undernutrition and overweight and obesity, as well as diet-related noncommunicable diseases.Undernutrition manifests in four broad forms: wasting, stunting, underweight, and micronutrient deficiencies. 5 / 10 In which one of the following groups are all the four countries members of G20? Argentina, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey Australia, Canada, Malaysia and New Zealand Brazil, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea Explanation:The Group of Twenty (G20) comprises 19 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Türkiye, United Kingdom and United States) and two regional bodies: the European Union and the African Union (as of 2023). The G20 members represent around 85% of the global GDP, over 75% of the global trade, and about two-thirds of the world population.The G20 comprises nineteen countries and the European Union (EU). It represents all inhabited continents, 80% of world GDP, 75% of global trade and 60% of the world's population. Explanation:The Group of Twenty (G20) comprises 19 countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Türkiye, United Kingdom and United States) and two regional bodies: the European Union and the African Union (as of 2023). The G20 members represent around 85% of the global GDP, over 75% of the global trade, and about two-thirds of the world population.The G20 comprises nineteen countries and the European Union (EU). It represents all inhabited continents, 80% of world GDP, 75% of global trade and 60% of the world's population. 6 / 10 Department of Border Management is a department of which one of the following Union Ministries? Ministry of Defence Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways Ministry of Environment and Forests Ministry of Home Affairs |Government of India. Ministry of Home Affairs |Government of India. 7 / 10 With reference to ‘Changpa’ community of India, consider the following statements:They live mainly in the State of Uttarakhand.They rear the Pashmina goats that yield a fine wool.They are kept in the category of Scheduled Tribes.Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 1 only 2 and 3 only 3 only 1, 2 and 3 Explanation:The Changpa are semi-nomadic Tibetan people. They are mainly found in the Changtang, a high plateau that stretches across the cold desert of Ladakh and also in some parts of Jammu and Kashmir.The process of migration from plain areas to pastures on mountains during summers and again from mountain pastures to plain areas during winters is known as transhumance.The Pashmina goatis a breed of goat inhabiting the plateaus in Tibet, Nepal, parts of Burma and neighbouring areas of Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir, India.It is also known as ‘Changthangi’, ‘Changra”.They are raised for ultra-fine cashmere wool, also known as pashmina once woven.Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has published an Indian Standard for identification, marking and labelling of Pashmina products to certify its purity.The certification will help curb the adulteration of Pashminaand also protect the interests of local artisans and nomads who are the producers of Pashmina raw material. It will also assure the purity of Pashmina for customers.People do grow basic crops like barley and peas, but primarily for their own and their animals’ consumption and for religious ceremonies.The Changpas, have traditionally been primarily nomadic pastoralists, rearing yak, sheep, goat, horses, for their sustenance and livelihoods, including trade in products like wool. Explanation:The Changpa are semi-nomadic Tibetan people. They are mainly found in the Changtang, a high plateau that stretches across the cold desert of Ladakh and also in some parts of Jammu and Kashmir.The process of migration from plain areas to pastures on mountains during summers and again from mountain pastures to plain areas during winters is known as transhumance.The Pashmina goatis a breed of goat inhabiting the plateaus in Tibet, Nepal, parts of Burma and neighbouring areas of Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir, India.It is also known as ‘Changthangi’, ‘Changra”.They are raised for ultra-fine cashmere wool, also known as pashmina once woven.Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has published an Indian Standard for identification, marking and labelling of Pashmina products to certify its purity.The certification will help curb the adulteration of Pashminaand also protect the interests of local artisans and nomads who are the producers of Pashmina raw material. It will also assure the purity of Pashmina for customers.People do grow basic crops like barley and peas, but primarily for their own and their animals’ consumption and for religious ceremonies.The Changpas, have traditionally been primarily nomadic pastoralists, rearing yak, sheep, goat, horses, for their sustenance and livelihoods, including trade in products like wool. 8 / 10 Recently, scientists observed the merger of giant ‘blackholes’ billions of light-years away from the Earth. What is the significance of this observation? ‘Higgs boson particles’ were detected. ‘Gravitational waves’ were detected. Possibility of intergalactic space travel through ‘wormhole’ was confirmed. It enabled the scientists to understand ‘singularity’ Explanation:Black holes are extremely dense points in space that create deep gravity sinks from which even light cannot escape. It can be formed by a death of a massive star. A black hole takes up zero space but does have mass, that used to be a star. And black holes get more massive as they consume matter near them.A black hole cannot be observed but only detected by the effects of its enormous GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS fields on nearby matter.Since any matter flowing into the black hole becomes intensely heated, it radiates x-rays before entering the event horizon and disappearing forever. These x-rays are detected and the radio images define our idea of the black hole. Explanation:Black holes are extremely dense points in space that create deep gravity sinks from which even light cannot escape. It can be formed by a death of a massive star. A black hole takes up zero space but does have mass, that used to be a star. And black holes get more massive as they consume matter near them.A black hole cannot be observed but only detected by the effects of its enormous GRAVITATIONAL FIELDS fields on nearby matter.Since any matter flowing into the black hole becomes intensely heated, it radiates x-rays before entering the event horizon and disappearing forever. These x-rays are detected and the radio images define our idea of the black hole. 9 / 10 Consider the following:Assertion (A): Radio waves bend in a magnetic field.Reason (R): Radio waves are electromagnetic in nature.Which of the following is correct? Both A and R are individually true, and R is the correct explanation of A Both A and R are individually true, but R is not the correct explanation of A A is true but R is false A is false but R is true Explanation:Radio waves are the waves having the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation and have a frequency from high 300 GHz to low as 3 kHz, though somewhere it is defined above 3 GHz as microwaves. At 300 GHz, the wavelength is 1 mm, and at 3 kHz is 100 km. Explanation:Radio waves are the waves having the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves are a kind of electromagnetic radiation and have a frequency from high 300 GHz to low as 3 kHz, though somewhere it is defined above 3 GHz as microwaves. At 300 GHz, the wavelength is 1 mm, and at 3 kHz is 100 km. 10 / 10 The world’s second tallest statue in sitting pose of Ramanuja was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India at Hyderabad recently. Which one of the following statements correctly represents the teachings of Ramanuja? The best means of salvation was devotion. Vedas are eternal, self-existent and wholly authoritative. Logical arguments were essential means for the highest bliss. Salvation was to be obtained through meditation. Explanation:Ramanuja, born in Tamil Nadu in the 11th century was deeply influenced by the Alvars (Vishnu worshippers). According to him the best means of attaining salvation was through intense devotion to Vishnu. Vishnu in His grace helps the devotee to attain the bliss of union with Him. He propounded the doctrine of Vishishtadvaita or qualified oneness in that the soul even when united with the Supreme God remained distinct.Ramanuja’s doctrine greatly inspired the new strand of bhakti which developed in north India subsequently.Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer. Explanation:Ramanuja, born in Tamil Nadu in the 11th century was deeply influenced by the Alvars (Vishnu worshippers). According to him the best means of attaining salvation was through intense devotion to Vishnu. Vishnu in His grace helps the devotee to attain the bliss of union with Him. He propounded the doctrine of Vishishtadvaita or qualified oneness in that the soul even when united with the Supreme God remained distinct.Ramanuja’s doctrine greatly inspired the new strand of bhakti which developed in north India subsequently.Therefore, option (a) is the correct answer. Your score isThe average score is 45% 0% Restart quiz